Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Someone advice and tell me what you think? IS IT OVER?

I've had problems with this guy I like and I know he use to or he does like me, one of them, I've told him about another guy who likes me which I shouldn't have but oh well …

We haven't been talking propley for days, We been so weird so I made convo and he replyied really late he said ''sorry babe phone hasnt been on me till now, how are you''

and I replyied late cause I saw it in the morning and I said ''I'm good and you, you seem proper busy'

Next morning I woke up he read it but didn't reply, and I got hurt, after hours he even update hes display picture and status (blackberry)

So I got hurt and I deleted him and 3 hours later he messaged me saying,
''Why you deleting me for'
''Cool init''

and then I said ''forgive me''

He said ''Why shud I''
I said ''cause I don't want to regret this for rest of my life''

and he ignored and I messaged him on Whats app told him that I never lied to him about anything I always been honest If i wanted I could have lied and made excuse cause I remember he lied to me month ago deleting me from blackberry messenger and lied to me he had Iphone when I found out he was still using BB and I also said I don't want us to end bad.

So then he replied saying

''It's not ended bad, I accept your apology''

So is it over guys? Is it THE END for both of us???
>>> Someone advice and tell me what you think? IS IT OVER?