Thursday, October 25, 2012

What can I do in this situation? legal advice?

3 or 4 years ago, my family and I were in need of phone lines but we lacked the credit to open one in our names. A friend of ours offered to have them in his name since he had excellent credit.It was all very good until now. We are in a bitter argument and his is very angry with us and we are very angry with him. We called him yesterday to talk about the phone lines and he said he was very angry. He demanded that by Monday we give him $1, 200 and the 2 new iPhone 5's we barely bought on 2 line renewals. If we didn't meet with his demands by monday, he said we would hear from his lawyer.
He blocked the online account, he put a passcode on the account, and he took me off the authorized user list. I cannot to anything to the account anymore, not even pay since even in the kiosk it asks for a passcode to even enter to pay. Online as well and with a store associate.

Does he really have a case in his hands? AT&T told me that since its under his name, its really his responsibility to pay and not ours. There was no written agreement for anything, just verbal.
I am planning on writing a certified letter in which I state that if he does not remove the passcode so I can continue to use the services and continue to pay or to transfer the responsibility over to my name, I will have to move on. If he does not do that before the end of this billing cycle or of service is interrupted, I wrote that I will be force to open 5 new lines under my name since I can't even pay for the old ones and he refuses to have them transferred to my name. After that I am not responsible for anything having to do with those lines.

What do you recommend I do? I am trying to do whats morally right because AT&T said I can go ahead and let him be with all those charges but Im trying to take responsibility of the bills but he does not answer my messages or calls.
And if he were to sue, could he win?
>>> What can I do in this situation? legal advice?