Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Will you pay for me to live, because I don't want to get a job?

I don't want to work. I have been unemployed for months. 13 months. I see no reason to look for a crap Job that will make me even not depressed than I already am. I can not get excited about a $10 an hour job. How am I going to be in cheerful mood when I'm depressed about my crap job? Worrying about rent and eating? Living paycheck to paycheck… is not fun at all.

I have no family. Both my parents are dead. I'm 27 male.

Everything about the thought of working makes me depressed. Everything. The commuting, the daily grind… having to put on a fake smile, everything.

I know really enjoy sitting in my room smoking fat blunts all day. Playing battlefield 2 all day. I know it's loserish, but I'm not depressed while doing this. Only when I think of work or having to work. Super depressed.

So… if you have spare cash and want to send it to me that would be great.My rent is $500 and cable is $100- and I need money for food and weed- another $200 hundred. I go though an 8th every othe day…
7 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Sorry for the spelling errors… my iPhone sucks and creates words.
6 minutes ago
Added (1). I love how people bash me and call me lazy… but yet know nothing about me or my life experiences. I grew up with drugged out parents… all they did was smoke and drink. Drugs were all around me.

I'm personally gonna snap if I have to help another customer ever again.
>>> Will you pay for me to live, because I don't want to get a job?