Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nervous about seeing my crush later?

So my crush and I met a little over a month ago through my friend who happens to be his cousin. When we first started talking it was so obvious it liked me. But then things started slowing down. We barely talk anymore. We snapchat occasionally. Which is an iphone app where you send pictures back and forth. After not talking for a week I snapchatted him and said hi and he said "hey beautiful." And things went well that night. But now we're back to going days without talking and I just miss the way things used to be. I'm going to his football game later today because it's his last one. The thing is.he has no idea I'm going. I'll be there with my friend and their family. But I'm starting to get nervous. We haven't talked since monday and haven't seen each other in person for almost a month. I don't know if he still likes me or not based on how things have been going. I'm just scared he's gonna be wondering "why is she here?"
>>> Nervous about seeing my crush later?