Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is the worst text you ever sent to the wrong person?

Just a question for my own curiosity, since it happened to me.

I recently got the Iphone for my 18th birthday, and I was sexting my girlfriend.
Well, last week by complete accident, I accidentally sent a photo of my penis hard and soft to my dad, brother and cousin due to mistakenly mass texting.
It was extremely embarrassing.My dad texted back something that literally made me shat myself "Nice one".
My 23 year old brother sent back "Always knew if you were a rogers you were big" and my cousin sent back: "No thanks… "

The brother one was pretty creepy. Thankfully we all laughed it off later, but its still pretty embarrassing to know they seen my dick hard/soft. XD

What about you guys?

См. статью: What is the worst text you ever sent to the wrong person?