Friday, December 7, 2012

Why does nearly everyone have either an iphone or a blackberry?

Is there no such thing as individuality anymore? im 21 and have had the same phone for about 3 years, its a sony ericcsson w200i and it does everything i need it to do, it phones people, texts and wait for it… i can listen to over 1000 music tracks on it and more! why do i need the internet on the phone the size of a brick when i have a laptop? and whats with all the touch screen phones, BUTTONS ARE BETTER! i got offered one a while ago but i refused, do people get them just because everyone ellse has one and have it to feel like theyre 'fitting in'?
and why do so many little kids have them?
Added (1). A friend of mine dropped his and the screen cracked, i have dropped my phone 100's of times and it bounces
Added (2). Caesar- i have used other peoples iphones, i wouldnt call touch screens natural at all plus you constantly touch the wrong letter/number and the keyboard things are tiny… you could buy a car with the money you spend on an iphone
>>> Why does nearly everyone have either an iphone or a blackberry?